Dulce Beatriz (1931-2021)
Havana, Cuba
Dulce Beatriz official website: http://www.dulcebeatriz.com/
Internationally renowned Master artist Dulce Beatriz was a consummated artist, with a professional trajectory of over sixty years, Beatriz is considered one of the most important Spanish artists of her time. Her figurative work and still life are characterized by deep and vibrant color and powerful brushstrokes that evince a dominant circular motion. Several of her paintings are part of a permanent collection in museums throughout the United States, Latin America, Mexico, and Europe. The Spanish Museum of Contemporary Art in Madrid, Spain acquired two of her paintings, both paintings are now being exhibited at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, Spain.
Dulce Beatriz (née Dulce Hernandez Moreno de Ayala) was born in Havana, Cuba in a traditional Spanish family. Her maternal grandfather D. Emilio Moreno de Ayala was a man of letters, a historian and a lecturer in universities in Spain. His work "Anthology, Analogy and Syntax of Castillian Grammar" as well as his endeavor organizing the "Archives of Indies" in Cadiz were recognized by Queen Elizabeth II of Spain who awarded him with the "Royal Order of Isabel La Católica"
1949 - Dulce Beatriz, entered the "Escuela Nacional de Bella Artes San Alejandro" (San Alejandro National School of Fine Arts) is the oldest and most prestigious fine arts school in Cuba. It was founded in 1818 at the Convent of San Alejandro by the French painter Jean Baptiste Vermay, who was its first director. Havana, Cuba
1953 - By special petition of the Director of Culture and the Bella Artes Department in Havana City Hall, the President of the Republic of Cuba awarded Mrs Beatriz a scholarship with no time limit. This scholarship was paid monthly through the Direction of Culture of the Ministry of Education up to 1959. Havana, Cuba
1953 - Obtained her Doctorate in Piano at the Carlos Alfredo Peyrellade Conservatory of Music (Prof. Juana Valles de Perez-Goñi) Solfeggio, Theory in Music, Harmony, Composition, Counterpoint, Orchestration, History of Music and Musical Pedagogy. Havana, Cuba (1938-1953)
1954 - Exhibitor at every National Exhibition and also at the Biennial International Exhibition held in Havana from (1954 to 1959). Havana, Cuba
1955 - Graduated from (San Alejandro National School of Fine Arts) "Summa cum Laude" with the highest honors, Bolsa de Viaje (Scholarship for Study Abroad). According to the records of said academy she received the highest scores and the greatest number of honors ever attained by any other student since its inception in 1818. Havana, Cuba (1949-1955)
1956 - First Technical Adviser in the Department of Bella Artes and held the post of Chief Adviser of the Department of Culture and Fine Arts of the Havana City Hall while simultaneously serving as Professor of Drawing and Painting and member of the Selection Committee. During that period, she offered special anatomical drawing, coloring, art history and art appreciation classes, sponsored by the Department of Culture and Fine Arts, she held the position as Professor of Drawing and Painting from (1956 to 1959). Havana, Cuba
1956 - Became a Member of the Judging Board for The Department of Bella Artes in Havana City Hall, judged every art exhibition from (1956 to 1959). Havana, Cuba
1957 - Awarded Honorable Mention "Circulo de Bella Artes" (Fine Arts Circle) Havana, Cuba
1958 - Traveled to Europe to study post graduate courses in Techniques and Procedures and Artistic Appreciation specializing in the Spanish Impressionist School, both at the "Prado Museum" and at the "Museum of Modern Art" in Madrid, Spain.
1959 - First solo exhibition at The Hall of Mirrors inside Havana City Hall, where she was awarded the Noble Havana Gold Medal. Havana, Cuba
1959 - Second solo exhibition at The Spanish Casino, Havana, Cuba
1959 - Don Rafael Marquina a Spanish writer and critic of world-wide reputation wrote a full page article on her technique in the newspaper "Información" Havana, Cuba
1959 - Married Leonardo Beatriz in Havana, Cuba
1960 - Dulce and Leonardo Beatriz moved to the United States.
1961 - 1970
Exhibited in multiple solo exhibitions in the state of Florida.
1970 - Awarded by the city of Miami the “Recognition of Merits Award” presented by Honorable Mayor Stephen P. Clark
1971 - 2017
Exhibited in multiple solo exhibitions in Spain, Mexico, Central America and the United States.
1971 - Received The Federal Lincoln-Marti Award, conferred by the Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Washington D.C.
1971 - The Dukane Press, edited her book entitled "A Quarter Century of my Life," The introduction written by the Hon. Marqués de Lozoya and the cover commented by the Hon. Gregorio Marañón being director of the Institute of Hispanic Culture. Madrid, Spain
1972 - The internationally renowned Jean Tiroche exhibited her work at the Jean Tiroche Gallery in Palm Beach, Florida and wrote in the exhibition program:
"For the first time this gallery has made an exception in presenting a painter from the Spanish School since we have always been known for representing the most noteworthy Impressionists and Post-Impressionists of the Paris School."
Jean Tiroche
1974 - Awarded by The Hispanic International Research Institute the International Award for Painting “Hall of Fame of New York City”
1975 - Honorary Member of The Hispanic International Research Institute of the city of New York
1975 - Honorable Florida Secretary of State Bruce Smathers wrote her a letter saying:
"On behalf of the Department of State, I wish to express my appreciation for you keeping alive the cultural climate of Florida. We Floridians are proud of our Spanish heritage and through your artistic works, you have kept the elements of our heritage alive, in contemporary Florida society."
Hon. Bruce Smathers
1977 - Was admitted in the "Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts” as a Life Time Member by the Board of the R.S.A. of London
1977 - Honorable Mayor Stephen P. Clark named Dulce Beatriz and her husband Leonardo Beatriz, “Ambassadors of Culture” accrediting them to travel around the world as representatives of Miami-Dade County
1982 - Awarded the "Great Cross Medal" by the Royal Order of Isabella Catolica Queen of Spain.
1983 - Awarded "The Gold Key to the City of Miami-Dade" by Honorable Mayor Stephen P. Clark, Miami, Florida
1987 - Was registered in both volumes of the “International Directory of Arts” published in Berlin, Germany
1988 - Dulce Beatriz appears in the "Who's Who in the World" in The Marguis Who's Who Publications 1988 to 1989.
1997 - Was a guest appearance in the T.V. documentary "The Way to Triumph" U.S. Information Agency, Washington D.C.
2002 - Was a guest appearance honored by T.V. Channel 23 interview news broadcast titled “Nuestro Orgullo” (Our Pride).
The Director of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes "San Fernando" ("San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts") in Madrid, his Excellency Don Juan Contreras Lopez de Ayala (Marquis of Lozoya) debuted all of her exhibitions in that capital, which resulted in great success for her work, likewise he being the first to request from the Royal Order of Isabel the Catholic, also joined therein by the Honorable Carlos Martinez de Irujo (Duke of Huescar).
S.A.R. Don Alfonso de Borbon and Dampire (Duke of Cadiz), as Director of the Hispanic Culture Institute of Madrid, welcomed her to personally congratulate her for her triumphs and he attended her exhibitions in Madrid, Spain.
The Spanish Museum of Contemporary Art of Madrid, acquired two of her paintings for said museum, El Parral Monastery in Segovia and Floridian Landscape. It should be noted at the present time both paintings were transferred to the "Reina Sofia" Spanish Museum.
Several of Dulce Beatriz paintings are part of a permanent collection in museums throughout Latin America, Mexico, Spain, and United States.
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba
Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
Instituto de Cultura Hispánica, Madrid, Spain
Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, New York
The Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, Ohio
Palacio Nacional, La Paz, Bolivia
Museo Rubén Darío, Leon, Nicaragua
Casa de La Cultura, San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno, Santiago, Chile
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, San José, Costa Rica
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Panama City, Panama
Museo Nacional de Bella Artes, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Museo Nacional de Bella Artes, San Salvador, El Salvador
Instituto Nacional de Cultura y Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela
Instituto Nacional de Cultura y Bellas Artes, Guatemela, Guatemala
Since 1971 Dulce Beatriz and her husband Leonardo, traveled every year throughout a great majority of Europe, Greece, Egypt and from Alexandra to Abu-Simbel, both made historical and anthropological studies within their ancient cultures, they also visited archeological sites in Mexico and Guatemala.
Dulce Beatriz executed works in Belgium, Holland, Italy, Germany, France, Greece and Spain, in fact, part of her artistic production, is a result of her travels to Mexico, Spain, Belgium, France, Austria, Italy, Portugal and Egypt, besides the marinas that where inspired by the West Coast of the State of Florida. Several of her works during her travels, where exhibited in Spain, Mexico, Central America and the United States.
Dulce Beatriz husband, Leonardo Beatriz, frequently appeared on several renowned radio and TV programs in Cuba, as guitarist specialized in Spanish regional music. In the United States, Leonardo appeared as a guitarist with the famous Ana Maria's Spanish Ballet (38 concerts in 17 states), represented by the world renowned impresario Sol Hurok. He studied under Catalan teachers the techniques for the application of gold and polychrome silver, as essential elements of refined ornamentation. He performed in depth studies relating to the conservation of oil paintings and created certain very advanced techniques for application to same, especially for those corresponding to the XVII – XVIII – XIX centuries. He created a system for stretching the canvas on frame and congratulated by the Trademark and Patent engineers in Washington D.C. when he was given the registration documents, it read "It is the most complete and ingenious system created to date."
Dulce Beatriz official website: http://www.dulcebeatriz.com/
Ms. Beatriz's passionate connection with nature and humanity are unmistakable as viewers are treated to elegance, sumptuousness, vibrancy in her still life. In the landscapes, hillsides and architectural creations blend magically to form the best of the world surrounding us and the figurative works demonstrate a feel for character that goes beyond the outer layer of the subject to reveal the depth of the inner world and intellectual values. The viewer truly intuits the essence of the personality. Accompanying all of the works is a sensation of harmony with the given nature of the occasion, an understanding that his is an artist with a special gift, a unique perception into all she sees.
Charles K. Szabo (1928 - 2017)
Owner of the Darvish Collection Gallery of Fine Art, Naples, Florida.
(Representative of Dulce Beatriz for 25 years)
The Szabos and Casements believe that this Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and recipient of the Royal Order “Isabel La Catolica” is one of the most important Spanish artists of her time. Her figurative work and still lifes are characterized by deep and vibrant color and powerful brushstrokes that evince a dominant, circular motion. “Her paintings are at once powerful but delicate, classic and romantic, happy and sad, full of life yet subdued with shadows,” says the gallery’s catalog of her work.
Darvish Collection Gallery of Fine Art, Naples, Florida.
For the first time this gallery has made an exception in presenting a painter from the Spanish School, since we have always been known for representing the most noteworthy, Impressionists and Post-Impressionists of the Paris School.
Jean Tiroche, Owner of the Tiroche Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida
Dulce Beatriz is a consummate artist with a professional trajectory of many years, attested to by exhibitions in Europe and the Americas, museums and private collections, in which some of her paintings figure prominently.
The oils are a constellation of urban landscapes, human figures, and still life’s, in which that special gift of the innate artist is appreciated, to achieve the emotional impact which raptures the spectator from the reality in which he finds himself in order to lose himself in and be transported to the corner of the world that the artist has succeeded in capturing and expressing through strokes and hues.
She enjoys working with live models and it is the contact with the real image that maximizes her creativity, an old laborer, a shepherd, a gypsy, a still life or an evocative Segovian village seen from various perspectives.
A seasoned traveler, geography has expanded her artistic concepts through her contact with diverse peoples, temperaments and surroundings. Her art in general, is a reflection of her exposure to the geographic reality of the Americas and to the ancient European and Asian civilizations.
Ariel Remos
Author, Journalist, Diario las Americas, Miami, Florida
There are words in the English language which fit certain artist like a glove. And to write with exactitude, one most employ those words again and again to describe their work accurately. When first I saw the paintings of Dulce Betariz, "juicy", "fluent" and "weeping" were the words that I consider most apt. In painter's parlance juice, means the lavish use pigment with consequent effects as opposed to dry; fluent, means a flowing, smooth technique, opposite to a rough surface; and sweeping, in this respect is freedom of execution, not hesitant.
Nellie Bower
Art Critic, Miami News, Miami, Florida
Dulce Beatriz is a top-notch artist, using pencil, ink, pastel and oil’s. She can draw and paint like a house on fire and all her works are excellent.
Doris Reno
Art Critic, Miami Herald, Miami, Florida
Dulce Beatriz, still creates moving figures with her brush, dipped in the magic colors that glow and are warming but never jar. The hands knows the rhythm of the body so well, that the results is a completely unstudied figure, whether in repose or action. Her drawings, too are excellent and greatly sought after by collectors.
Nellie Bower
Art Critic, Miami News, Miami, Florida
With her experience in the Old Continent plus the direct contact with the schools in that geography, Dulce Beatriz cradles her vocation to reflect a strong presence in one of the main concepts of the Baroque, Romanticism and even Expressionism, mainly from Spanish streams. Beyond the healthy presence of distant styles over time, the power of interpretation, the restrained palette of shades and lights, together in fruitful consistency are in Dulce Beatriz.
Jesús Hernández
Art Critic, Diario las Américas, Miami, Florida
She demonstrates Spanish art its highest point today; no huge, black on black canvases for her. She scarcely seems to use a palette, so clean and fresh do her color lie on the canvas. While, in the opinion of the writer, Dulce's work often reaches the heights and can be ranked with some of the greats of other times.
Nellie Bower
Art Critic, Miami News, Miami, Florida
Honorable Florida Secretary of State Bruce Smathers wrote her a letter saying:
On behalf of the Department of State, I wish to express my appreciation for you keeping alive the cultural climate of Florida. We Floridians are proud of our Spanish heritage and through your artistic works, you have kept the elements of our heritage alive, in contemporary Florida society.
Hon. Bruce Smathers
Florida Secretary of State
We knew Dulce Beatriz, in effect, as a painter, but now, after viewing her sculptures, we do not know for sure whether we are solely before a painter who sculpts, or before a sculptor who also paints. Dulce Beatriz approaches a type of painting where expression is almost everything, without, as a result, failing to continue be the essential colorist she has always been.
Her drawings, watercolors and engravings reveal a powerful maturity and expressive sense of form. Regarding her sculptures, torsos and nudes in bronze and terracotta, we would say that they are depiction of grace itself, clay modeled with such rhythm, same which is never cooled by rigor. Some of these forms, brought to life by fingers, are somewhat reminiscent of Renoir the sculptor, since it is the artistic composition, in the end, which establishes the curves so they may be depicted in light. We must return to this expressive work which abounds in human warmth.
A. Manuel Campoy
Art Critic and Author, ABC Daily, Madrid, Spain
Citizen of an Anglo-Saxon country, in constant contact with the literary and artistic circles of Paris, still Dulce de Beatriz' soul is utterly Spanish, and her work, which is so personal, is reminiscent of our great works of art. She falls passionately in love with the peninsular landscape which she visits with her ever growing frequency. From her sojourns in my native Segovia, remain the canvases on which she like no other, has captured the diaphanous light of the golden environment which surrounds the towers of what she, as wells as I, can call, "Our City."
Juan Contreras y Lopez de Ayala (Marquis of Lozoya)
Director of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes "San Fernando" Madrid, Spain
The artist pours all of her warmth and feelings into the figures, landscapes and still life’s, to which she knows how to give a deep and balanced lyricism which is never affected. Her brushstrokes and powerful and perhaps from them stems the artist's interest in sculpture. In sum, pleasurable painting, of chromatic richness, supple and full of great expression.
Jose Hierro
Art Critic, Nuevo Diario, Madrid, Spain
The quality of Dulce Beatriz' drawing prowess is displayed in all of her works. The painter shows certain preference for very warm colors such as reds, ocher and oranges with excellent results. Her compositions of figures are magnificent.
Her work is very attractive and of excellent quality. Thus, the Celtic Showroom continues to keep up its selection efforts and continues to introduce the people of Castile to other world-renowned artists, such as Dulce Beatriz, who has been covered by the most important world media. The visitors were numerous and all left pleasantly impressed by what they had just admired.
Gonzalo Puerto
Mediterráneo Castile, Valencia, Spain
If we were to provide a biographical sketch of the artist we could say that Dulce Beatriz has received important awards; that her works form part of numerous and important private collections and are displayed in several museums and institutions. At exhibitions, she displays her undeniable artistic maturity, which translates into a dynamic and spontaneous painting.
Her style of painting is fresh and detailed, supple in consecution, luminous and bright in its hues and with great looseness in the drawing forms, her brushstrokes are powerful and firm. Here, her narrative takes on a deep and balanced lyrical quality, which, upon viewing, make her paintings a very pleasant experience.
Jose Martínez de Velasco
Art Critic, Desarrollo, Madrid, Spain
Dulce Beatriz is well known throughout the Americas and Europe she is today at the peak of her art. Hers a most original artistry, happy and sad; classic and romantic; full of light and full of prodigious shadows, for when shadows are trusty, they are only another sublime, form of light.
Gregorio Marañón
Director of the Institute of Hispanic Culture, Madrid, Spain
The work of Dulce Beatriz, as a whole, is a delicious potpourri of contrasts: her relentless boldness disguises the medullar lyricism and in spite of the apparent spontaneity it is an exemplar of disciplined meditation.
Especially gifted in drawing, she exhibits it when she paints or when she creates a portrait with the black or red "crayon" and in her monochromatic or hued etchings or dry point, with bold strokes. Dulce Beatriz diffuses extensive rays of light in works that are fires of red and cadmium.
Antonio Cobos
Art Critic, "Ya", Madrid, Spain
Dulce Beatriz: Here is a well thought out and skillfully defined painting. The depiction is energetic, meticulous, rich are the hues of greens and yellows bursting with splendor. First there is the intent of creating what is intrinsically painting, then there is the human message projected by the painter in her work, which is not the subject itself, but rather an emotional transformation thereof, be it figure, a landscape or a composition of a diverse subject matter. An enlightened painting, the language of which encompasses very current issues and dilemmas.
A. Manuel Campoy
Art Critic and Author, ABC Daily, Madrid, Spain
Dulce Beatriz is an impressive impressionist.
Tico Medina
Hola Magazine, Madrid, Spain
Dulce Beatriz brings back to painting a series of luminous values which it had lost. It’ not about mending the prestige of the sun from an inane matter, but to take the light from the intrinsic color, phenomenon this that emancipates her from any impressionism and which better defines her as a "Fauve," since the intrinsic exaltation of colors is decidedly fauvist, to such a degree that, at times, it borders on expressionism. What occurs is that the pure fruition of color is mitigated in a naturalism of forms, which never declines.
A. Manuel Campoy
Art Critic and Author, ABC Daily, Madrid, Spain
From Wikipedia:
Dulce Beatriz, née Dulce Hernández Moreno de Ayala (born March 17, 1931) is a Cuban-born artist known for her Impressionist-style paintings. Beatriz was born in Havana to a family of Spanish descent. Her father, José María Hernández, managed a bakery. Her mother, Dulce Moreno Ayala, was a teacher. She initially studied to be a teacher, graduating from the Escuela de Maestros de Kindergarten (Kindergarten Teacher's School) in Havana in 1949, followed by studies in music pedagogy at the Carlos Alfredo Peyrellade Conservatory of music in Havana. During that time she also exhibited her art work at the Havana City Hall's Hall of Mirrors. She went on to study art formally at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes "San Alejandro" in Havana where she graduated in 1955 and received a scholarship for further study abroad. In 1959 she married Leonardo Beatriz, a concert guitarist, (Spanish guitar) art restorer and appraiser. Also during that time she was recognized by a well known newspaper the Excelcior in Cuba. [Elogios a una exposicion Exelcior, Pg. B2; August 22, 1959] Dulce Beatriz and Juan Contreras y López de Ayala
The couple emigrated to the United States in 1960 and settled in Florida. Since that time, she has exhibited widely in Florida and Spain. October 1963: Works by Dulce Beatriz are exhibited at the "Loft on the Mile" Gallery of Art, Coral Gables, Florida. In 1971: Dulce inaugurated her gallery of paintings for the first time in Managua, Nicaragua at the Rubén Darío National Theatre (Spanish: Teatro Nacional Rubén Darío)Rubén Darío National Theatre History. In 1972: Jean Tiroche, internationally known art dealer, collector and curator, hosts an exhibition of works by Dulce Beatriz at the 'Gallerie Jean Tiroche', Palm Beach, Florida;. On the exhibition program Mr. Tiroche wrote: "For the first time this gallery has made an exception in presenting a painter from the Spanish School since we have always been known for representing the most noteworthy Impressionists and Post-Impressionists of the Paris School.
During the decades of the 1970s and 1980s several local galleries in South Florida hosted exhibitions of paintings by Dulce Beatriz in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and in Palm Beach. Two of her paintings, El monasterio del Parral and Paisaje floridiano, were acquired by the Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo in Madrid (now known as the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía). In 1979: "La Pintora Dulce H. de Beatriz" - Una artista que se comunica a traves de su obra" [The painting of Dulce H. de Beatriz; An artists who communicates through her work] Interview and report by Munoz, C. - Galeria, El Miami Hearld Also in 1979 an article in Spanish titled "De Mujer A Mujer" (From Woman to Woman) Page 2b Diario Las Americas ; Interview and report by Carmencita San Miguel showcasing her success, biography and her brilliant paintings. She became better-known, local South Florida media frequently interviewed or wrote about Dulce Beatriz and her work.
In 1983 she received the Orden de Isabel la Católica. Her papers are held in the University of Miami Cuban Heritage Collection. Throughout the years the work of Dulce Beatriz has been showcased by magazines and other media especially those targeting Spanish speaking audiences. His Excellency Dr. Juan Contreras y Lopez de Ayala, Marquis of Lozoya, Director of the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts inaugurated several of Dulce Beatriz successful exhibitions in Madrid, Spain her exhibitions in that capital. The Marquis of Lozoya was the first to propose Dulce Beatriz as a recipient of the Royal Order of Isabel the Catholic, with support from the Honorable Carlos Martinez de Irujo, Duke of Huescar and by the Honorable Stephen P. Clark, Mayor or Metropolitan Dade County. In 2007: Interview and article: "Light from the Depths of the Soul" by Rossi M., A, and Maurizio, G., La Isla Times, June 2007, Key Biscayne, Florida.