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Photo by Miguel Cubiles






Ramón Carulla (b.1936)

Havana, Cuba

Listed Internationally renowned Master artist Ramón Carulla immigrated to the United States in 1965 and had his first solo exhibit shortly after in 1967 at the Bacardi Art Gallery located in Miami, Florida.


Since his first exhibit over fifty years ago, Carulla's work has been widely exhibited in multiple solo and group exhibitions throughout Canada, Puerto Rico, France, Poland, Spain, Romania, Switzerland, England, Germany, Yugoslavia, Norway, Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Egypt, Dubai and United States. 


Ramón Carulla is an established artist, his works rest within the tradition of Latin American expressionist and figurative painting. His works constitute a point of convergence for color, emotion, and design. He uses a variety of supports, including linen, paper, and wood, with noticeably provocative images, in a deliberate combination of fantasy and reality. Carulla's recent works are quiet, meditative and idealistic.


Ramón Carulla is listed in the renowned published book of influential Cuban artist called "Memoria Cuban Art of The 20th Century". The book is located in the Library of Congress, Catalog Card #2001135668 (Washington, D.C.)





Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery, Kanagawa, Japan
Kanagawa Arts Foundation, Kanagawa, Japan
Joan Miró Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, New Jersey

Japan Print Association Collection, Tokyo, Japan
International Museum of Contemporary Art, Bahia, Brazil
Instituto Cultural Domecq, Mexico City, Mexico
Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Ino-Cho Paper Museum, Kochi-Ken, Japan
Hollywood Art & Culture Center, Hollywood, Florida
G.D. Series Collection, Chicago, Illinois
Florean Museum, Maramures, Romania
Eastern National Bank, Coral Gables, Florida
Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit, Michigan
Cuban Museum of Art & Culture, Miami, Florida
Continental Bank International, Chicago, Illinois
Contemporary Museum De Velez-Malaga, Malaga, Spain
Contemporary Museum of Art, Panama City, Panama
City Art Gallery, Lodz, Poland
Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio
Centre International of Art Contemporain, Paris, France
CBS International Corporation Collection, New York, New York
Cabo Frio International Print Biennial Collection, Cabo Frio, Brazil
Boca Raton Art Museum, Boca Raton, Florida 
Bass Museum, Miami Beach, Florida 
Barnett Bank Corporation Collection, Miami, Florida
Art in Public Places, Miami-Dade County, Miami, Florida 
Art History Department, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
Miami-Dade Public Library Permanent Art Collection, Miami, Florida
Museo Jose Luis Cuevas, Mexico City, Mexico 
Museo Nacional del Grabado, Buenos Aires, Argentina 
Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico
Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Museum of Contemporary Arts, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Canada
Museum of Modern Art of Latin America, Washington, DC
National Center of Art, Giza, Egypt
Norton Gallery Museum of Art, Palm Beach, Florida
Pace Collection, Miami, Florida
Pace Collection, New York, New York
The Pontific University of Campinas, San Paulo, Brazil
Radford University Museum, Radford, Virginia
Sharjah Art Museum, Sharjah, Dubai 
Societe des Artistas Internationals, Paris, France
Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, South Korea
Tama University Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, Arizona

Lehigh University Art Museum, Bethiehem, Pennsylvania
The New School of Social Research, New York, New York
The Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami, Florida

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

Cintas Foundation, Institute of International Education, New York, New York
The Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida, Gainsville, Florida

Museum of International Contemporary Graphic Art, Fredrikstad, Norway

Silvia Daro Davidowicz Permanent Collection, University of Miami Library, Coral Gables, Florida 
Smithsonian Archives of American Art, Collection of Artist Primary Records, Washington, D.C.,



The International Center for Contemporary Art, Paris, France

Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio 

City Art, Lodz, Poland

Velez-Malaga Museum, Malaga, Spain

Cuban Museum of Art and Culture, Miami, Florida

Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan

Florean Museum, Maramures, Romania

Domecq Cultural Institute, Mexico City, Mexico

Japan Print Association Collection, Tokio, Japan

Jose Luis Cuevas Museum, Mexico City, Mexico

National Museum of Engraving, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Rubino Tamayo Museum, Mexico City, Mexico

Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Museum of Contemporary Arts, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Canada

Museum of Modern Art of Latin America, Washington, D.C.

National Art Center, Giza, Egypt 





The Young at Art Exhibition, Havana, Cuba 


The Best Young Artist Ministry of Public Works, Havana, Cuba 


The Foremost Art Competition (1970-1971) Miami, Florida 

The Recipient of the Cintas Fellowship Foundation (Institute of International Education) (1973-1974) New York, New York


The 4th Annual Pan-American Art Exhibition, Miami, Florida


Listed in the "Who's Who in America Art" (1978-1981)


The Samuel Golan Award Fine Art Auction Exhibition CH 2 Miami, Florida


Second-time Recipient of The Cintas Fellowship Foundation (Institute of International Education) (1979-1980) New York, New York


The Simon Daro Dawidowics Award for Painting, The Metropolitan Museum and Art Center, Coral Gables, Florida


The VI Graphic Biennial of Latin America, San Juan, Puerto Rico


The IX Mini-Print International, Barcelona, Spain


The 4th Annual International Exhibition of Miniature Art, Toronto, Canada 


The IX Biennial Ibero Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, Mexico




"Sotheby's" Catalog (Page 294) "Important American Paintings, Drawings & Sculptures" (New York, New York)


"Series on Contemporary Masters" Volume II published by Schweyer-Galdo (Pontiac, Michigan) Book located in the Library of Congress, Catalog Card # 8561466 (Washington, D.C.)


"Casa & Estilo International" (Pages 50-57) "Arte" Volumen II published by Ugo Campello (Miami, Florida)


"Breaking Barriers" (Pages 115 - 116) curated by Jorge H. Santis, Museum of Art, (Fort Lauderdale, Florida)  


"Memoria Cuban Art of The 20th Century" (Page 119) published by José Veigas (Los Angeles, California) Book located in the Library of Congress, Catalog Card # 2001135668 (Washington, D.C.)


"Casa & Estilo Internacional" (Page 114) "El Arte" published by Ugo Campello (Miami, Florida) 


"Selecta" (Pages 114-115) "Puerto Rico Fashion Week" published by Nora Bulnes (Miami, Florida)


"Art Nexus" (Pages 137-138) "No. 60 Volume 5" published by Oswaldo Macia (Bogota, Colombia)


"Latin American Art" (Pages 52-53) "Maestro de Maestros" published by Alejandro Alfonso Romero (Miami, Florida)


"Historias Del Otro Amor" (Cover Design) published by Jose Front Castro (Madrid, Spain) 


"Latin American Art" (Pages 64-65) "The Colorist" published by Alejandro Alfonso Romero (Miami, Florida)


"Linder Lane Magazine" (Pages 2-35) "Vol. 34 No. 3" Cuba 1959 "Juan Abreu" published by Belkis Cuza Maté (Fort Worth, Texas)


"Latin American Art" (Pages 56-57) "Traditional & Modernity" published by Alejandro Alfonso Romero (Miami, Florida)


"Luxe Interiors & Design" (Page 219) published by Michael Peterson (Miami, Florida)



The Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield, Michigan 

The Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan

The University School, Cleveland, Ohio     


"We are all jugglers, escapists, rockets, and entertainers, in the interminable circus of life. The characters that appear in my works, fluctuate from eccentric to gallant. Just as many human beings do, these capricious personages, are always fighting with their sense of life, and their day to day existence."  

Ramón Carulla. 




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